Make-Up-Matte is a new makeup carryall for your (many) cosmetics and tools. We know it's pretty dreadful to find your favorite mascara hidden underneath that bag of yours, so with this new Make-Up-Matte, you have a portable workspace and a new organizer. And of course, Zooey knows you're always on the go so this is a great inovation to have.
Comes in many styles from Make-Up-Matte's many collections, these carryalls are convenient for easy cleanup of those makeup particles and also easy to bring along with you on your every trip.
Katie Corl invented this new makeup bag in Seattle (one of our favorite cities!) and we're so thrilled to have one in our hands.
You can buy one for yourself for the retail price of $22.95 at If you do decide to get one, tweet us about it!